Saturday, January 05, 2008

It's raining it's not so much

Just when I thought we would be getting some much needed rain, it shows up to tease us, but then disappears. I was hoping to have a nice, rainy quiet Saturday at the Library but no such luck. It's only cloudy and not even below 60 degrees! So the library is packed. As a result it's swarming with demanding tutors who want to claim our study rooms as their own.

One of our newer picky tutors is here today. Not that I'm targeting her but she has a tendency of staying after closing time, forcing us to escort her out with her tutee and parents in tow. So I'm on the look out.


I'm so happy!!! Lost is coming back on ABC January 31, 2008 @ 8pm. I can't wait. I was afraid that due to the writer's strike they were going to push the premiere back. But no, it's almost here!! Here is a quick synopsis to catch you up.

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