Monday, April 16, 2007

Oh, the perils of a library student

Sorry, I have not finished reading any books yet so I can not not write a review this week. I am on the last lap of what is my academic career. I'm pulling my hair out, not sleeping and stressing out those around me. My ePortfolio is due next week. I vow to have it done by Saturday so that I can have some time to breath soon. My biggest fear is that when it's all said and done no one will look at it. What if it's all a dark ploy by our advisors to mess with our minds and make us sweat out our last semester of the program?! Or even worse, they do look at it and determine I am not worthy of the degree?! AARGH!!! I have ordered my hood and gown yesterday, I hope I can get a refund.

I am still reading 4 books at the same time. I am on a tight schedule for the Savage Garden by Denise Hamilton because she is coming to speak at our library on Wednesday April 18, 2007. I wish we had it in audio. Anyway I can't wait to get back to reading regularly. Right now I am only reading during my lunch break at work and listening to my audio book on my way home. (Yes, that counts as reading!) I usually read at home, in the park, at the book store, or when I am waiting in line somewhere I just pull out my book and read. This has helped me a lot because I am usually an impatient person and having a book distract me I am less liable to yell at the cashier or person ahead of me. Try it out. Books help relieve stress and road rage. This has been an important life lesson. Use it. :)

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