Thursday, March 29, 2007

Reading Overload!!

I am on reading overload. The overwhelming feeling that feel right now is so hard to deal with. There are so many great books I want to get my hands on and don't have the time to read!!!Ever since I started working at a library this past Fall, I have been constantly reading. I have included the list of books I've read since November 2006 on the list to the right. Those are the ones I can remember. Right now I am reading 4 books (5 if you count the children's book I am researching) and have 3 on my desk waiting for me devour them. It's not that I have all the time in the world to read. I still have to complete my Graduate Portfolio by April 23 (YIPES!) and have to maintain a level of professionalism at work and continue to educate myself in the library profession (remember kids, just cus you aren't in school doesn't mean you stop learning). So here I am having completed reading another book that I simply loved.

But before I get into that let me tell you about Chica Lit. I love it! WOW! I just happen to stumble upon it because we are having an author come to the library in May who writes Chica Lit. There are so many great titles from Mary Castillo, Margo Candela, Lara Rios, Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez and many more, too many to list here. Once I finish a couple of them I will be reporting back here.

I just finished reading Famous All Over Town by Danny Santiago. Yes, I know that it is not the author's real name and that it was actually written by Daniel James who is anglo, but I don't think it ruins the story one bit. I have read plenty of coming of age stories and this story is a great example of a young Mexican-American boy learning about life. He is confused about his family, his friends and where to go in life. I recommend it to people who are interested in reading about growing up in East Los Angeles in the 1950's. When it came out it was hailed as being one of the greatest Chicano books ever written. But once the true identity of the author was discovered people took their praise back. So I say read it with your eyes closed. :)

I give it three stars in my rating because it was a good read and accurate. (sorry for the lame image, it's the only one I could find.)

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