Monday, July 27, 2009

Day in the life of a Librarian

As part of the online project to post a day in the life of a library, here is my entry. If you want to see others check them out here

9 - 12
Open up library, turn on lights. Walk through and make sure building is in tact. Open safe and count money. Make deposit slip for assistant to take to bank. Open email and read all the headquarter instructions for the new printing system that will be implemented that morning.
Print out NY Times and LA Times best sellers lists.
Read the new policies and procedures.
Use personal library card to test new procedure on public library computer. Program not functioning as it should. Used spouse's card to test system again. Computer not responding. Tried item payment again. Called IT to get override code. 4th attempt. Computer not responding. Frozen. Try to log out and use another computer. Login out button not visible. Turn off and re-start computer. Unable to log back in as user. Give up.
Continue with opening mail and emails. Forward emails to assistant and print out policy for aides.
Fill out time adjustment sheet for staff that did not work on Friday.
Work on monthly report.
Research teaching techniques for students with special needs for class visit on Wednesday. Received call from aide, who wont' be coming in due to jury duty.
Take short break and eat bannana.
Staff starts coming in and update them on new policy. Move poster announcing new fines to front of circulation desk.
Give assistant deposit to take to the bank.
Meet with assistant when she gets back to review policy.
Discuss with aides new policy and go over any questions.
Remind them of the increase in fines and provide them with a copy of the new circulation policy.
12pm Library opens.
Reference: Children turning in SRP forms and give prizes.
Computer reservations over the phone.
Review new materials and make sure they are processed correctly.
Add to new book shelf and organize display.
Check library yahoo account, myspace and facebook.
Reference questions.
1:30 - 2:30pm lunch
2:30 return calls and help customers with their questions.
3pm - 5pm Reference
3:20 Parade of HS students walk through library on their way home and use the water fountain. Try and engage them to participate in the SRP.
Work with aide and assistant to sort out the kinks on the new printing system. Review new policy with second shift of part time staff.
Reference: which includes ordering books, helping children print pictures of homework assignments, sign up kids for AWE computer, order books for customers, etc...
Confirm SRP performer for tomorrow.
Explain to a teen that we have the volunteers we need and give her resources of where else she can go to complete her hours.
Answered questions for customer who had received a collection letter for her large amount of fees. Contacted our ILS office and cleared up the confusion.
Made computer reservations.
5 - 6Work with assistant and aide to print out SRP certificates of completion.
Fax time adjustment forms.
Email accounts to be deleted to ILS department.
Review cart full of donations. Only 5% can be possibly added to collection, 5% sell for book drive and 90% discards.(If it's water damaged, more than 5 years old or full of writing, we don't want it.)
Review to do list for tomorrow and leave instructions for closing staff.
Go home. :)


Bobbi Newman said...

sometimes I miss the front line stuff! But not all those bad donations! ;-)

Anonymous said...

wow Leti I was tired by your lunch time. Ok I changed my mind there is no way I can do your job, not that I ever thought I could. What time do you beath? Laura E.

Kristen said...
