Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day in the life of a librarian. Day 2

As part of "Library Day in the Life" project, here is my entry. Click here if you'd like to see more postings of other libraries.

8:30 am - 11am
Open library, turn on lights, walk library. Turn on computer and check emails. Open safe and count money.
Checked last night's receipts because amounts were not balanced. Made notes on collection report to reconcile at the end of the month.
Turn in books I checked out and place in shipment box.
Upload book review to shelfari.com, goodreads and blog.
Wrote out and displayed "shelf-talkers" for the "We the People" bookshelf.
Work on teen Summer Reading video and try to add music that is not copy written. (2hours!!)
Fax warrant release to regional office.
Go over with assistant on the collection report discrepancy.
Short break - ate banana.
Read email
12pm Opening library
Make sure only children are on the children computers.
Check new materials for proper processing.
Add new books to shelf and add rest to shelving cart.
Read, answer and forward email.
Open mail.
Do computer reservations.
Assisted children with finding the answer to our art trivia question.
Try to order new copy of "Sister Wendy's 1000 Masterpieces" because someone cut out pages of the favorite works of art. (Held back curse words.)
Book no longer available for purchase. (Held back more curse words).
Give out SRP prizes to children guessing our trivia question.
Customer wanted calligraphy books.
Handed Page list for call number corrections received from Cataloging.
Updated status on facebook and twitter accounts for tonight's show.
Help order books.
Go through cart full of donations. 90% not for our collection.
Tallied the entry forms for the Teen SRP, to determine last week's staff winner of sign up.
1:30 - 2:00 lunch
read emails and return calls.
F/up on performer's status for today's show.
Planned storytime for special ed HS students class visit tomorrow.
3 - 5 Reference and crowd control during the performance.
5pm Give instructions to closing staff, go home. :)

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