Monday, January 26, 2009

Princess Diaries

I finally got around to reading The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot. It has been on my list of teen books to read but never got around to it because I've tried reading Cabot's adult novels and they are lame. Each time I tried reading one I couldn't get past the first 3 chapters. But since I enjoyed the movie version PD and love Anne Hathaway, I thought I would give it a try. I really enjoyed it!

Mia, a 14 year old awkward freshman, finds out she is really a princess heir from the country Genovia. Her parents chose to keep this information from her all this time for reasons I don't quite understand. The book is written journal style and Mia's thoughts and observations are hilarious.

So now I am a Meg Cabot (Teen book) fan. While browsing through her blog, I noticed that Judy Blume has a blog! She is one of the most influential authors in my life. But she doesn't have a feed!! I can't add her to my Google Reader to read her entries everyday. Judy please add one. Here is her link Judy Blume's blog .

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