Sunday, January 27, 2008

What a great summer!!

Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Hart is a great book. It's a true story about two young girls from Iowa who spend one summer in New York and land the job of their dreams at Tiffany. I love these real life stories and learning how people really lived in 1945 which include stories of their daily living, of what they wore, how they spent their money and war time rations. During that summer they were able to be part of some historical moments in American history. They attended the Eisenhower hero parade, accidental crashing of a war plane into the Empire State building and celebrated VJ DAy in Times Square. Not to mention dealing with important and famous customers who shopped at Tiffany.

What I enjoyed the most of this book is the naievete of the girls and how the author didn't try to hide it. Their upbringing was very vital in how they survived in the big city. This is something people don't undestand today.

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